Landscape Itinerary 7

Our neighbors:
from Matet to Gaibiel

Approximate time

4-5 h.


5.55 km.

Type of route


Accumulated ascending slope

363 m.

Accumulated descending slope

-225 m.

Average ascending slope


Average descending slope


Gaibiel is the closest town to Matet. Gaibiel is about 4 km from Matet on the CV-213 road going to Segorbe, the capital of the Alto Palancia region.

However, we can easily walk from Matet to Gaibiel following the network of rural roads that connect the different places in the countryside of both municipalities. By doing so, we will discover a wide variety of landscapes that appear on both sides of the roads.

In this way, we will see the traditional orchards located on both hillsides of the Barranco del Perrudo, the poplar groves in the Zoraique area, and the water inlets in very small dams where water is held to irrigate part of the orchards that we can find in Gaibiel. We will also contemplate the remains of flour mills, old roads still partially paved with stone, small farming huts, livestock shelters in ruins and, of course, the town of Gaibiel with its medieval urban layout and the high location of its castle

01 Irrigated cultivation terraces

02 Rain-fed cultivation terraces

03 Dam, irrigation intakes

04 Corral

05 “del Alto” mill

06 Stone pavement on the old Gaibiel way

07 Irrigation channel, traditional construction

08 Orchards of the Major irrigation channel

09 Middle mill and irrigation channel Col “Blanco”

10 San Blas hermitage

11 Heritage complex

Recursos paisajísticos

Traditional agricultural landscapes

extensive livestock farming


Ancient roads and ways
Cultural heritage in the town of Gaibiel